We Address Your Sign and Safety Needs
Customized Signage Overview Session
A signage overview session with MTC is a great way to enable your production team to maintain a safe environment for all. Whether you prefer to meet onsite or virtually, an MTC field agent will carefully guide relevant members of your team through:
- An overview of each type of caution sign purchased
- Scenarios for usage of each sign
- Set up signs
This session will also include a safety walk-through, where our field agent will identify optimal placement for all signage while an event or activity is in progress based on key parameters like regulatory requirements, industry safety standards, and your specific project needs.
Customized Safety Training
Need help ensuring your worksite is as safe as possible for the production team, cast members, and crew? MTC offers brief but informative training courses that will get everyone on the same page, detailing what you are doing to keep the environment safe, how signage and other forms of communication help to facilitate that effort, and their roles and responsibilities. We offer the following:
- Customized recommendations on trainings across all cast and crew categories
- Course packages based on cast and crew categories or type of project
- An a la carte menu of courses that you can choose from to make up the best safety curricula for your teams
- In-person and virtual trainers to conduct each safety course
- Course attendance and completion tracking across all cast and crew for your records

Custom Signage
Tell us what verbiage and design you'd like, and we'll get right on it. Our team loves designing custom signs for your studio!